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How to choose the appropriate storage location for perforated non-woven fabrics?

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Perforated nonwoven fabric are widely used in the medical, hygiene and industrial sectors, and their excellent breathability and water absorbency make them ideal for many products. However, to ensure that its quality and performance are not compromised, it is crucial to choose an appropriate storage location. This article will explore how to choose an appropriate storage location to protect the quality and performance of perforated nonwoven fabric .

Choosing a dry, well-ventilated storage location is key to storing perforated nonwoven fabric . A humid environment may cause non-woven fabrics to become damp, moldy or even rot, affecting their quality and performance. Therefore, the best storage location should be in a dry and well-ventilated area, away from any damp or damp areas, such as bathrooms or basements.

Perforated non-woven fabrics should be stored away from direct sunlight, as ultraviolet rays in sunlight will reduce the strength and durability of the fiber, causing the fabric to turn yellow or age. When choosing a storage location, avoid places exposed to direct sunlight, such as balconies or places next to windows.

Choose to store perforated nonwoven fabric  away from any areas that may cause contamination. Sources of contamination may include chemicals, harmful gases, or other pollutants. Avoid storing nonwovens in locations where they may be affected by these sources of contamination to protect their quality and performance.

The place where non-woven fabrics are stored should be clean and tidy. Avoid storing it in places where dust or dirt accumulates, which may affect the quality and hygiene of the fabric. Choosing a clean, tidy storage location ensures that your perforated nonwovens stay clean and hygienic.

Regardless of the chosen storage location, perforated nonwovens should be inspected and maintained regularly. Regular inspections can detect any potential problems or damage promptly and take appropriate steps to repair or replace them to ensure their quality and performance.

Choosing an appropriate storage location is key to protecting the quality and performance of perforated nonwovens. By choosing a storage location that is dry, well-ventilated, away from direct sunlight, away from sources of pollution, clean and tidy, you can ensure that non-woven fabrics are kept in optimal condition and provide users with a high-quality experience.